

Lab 5: Display Graphics Support to Select and Play Audio File

In this lab, you will add to the previous one, a graphics display UI on the PIC32 Multimedia Expansion Board II. The audio_player_lab5 application displays audio tracks from the SD card in a list box. You can navigate the list to select and play a track. It also provides a volume increase/decrease scroll bar and a mute on/off button. This lab will demonstrate the configuration and integration of additional modules to audio_player_lab4 using the MPLAB Harmony 3 Configurator (MHC), thereby extending its functionality.

Note: This tutorial is a reference only to the existing users of Multimedia Expansion Board II (MEB II) to port/develop their application(s) using MPLAB Harmony v3 as the Multimedia Expansion Board II (MEB II) is now a matured product and the same is not available for purchase from Microchip Direct.

For more information refer the links below.